Evangelical Lutheran Churches
Mecan and Montello, WI
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
MARCH 4, 2018
WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH! We extend a warm welcome to everyone today, especially our visitors. In the bulletin you’ll find an outline of today’s service, a calendar of events and other bits of information. In the red hymn book you’ll find the songs we sing and the order of service that we follow. If you would like a large print hymnal or bulletin please ask one of our ushers and they will gladly assist you. Restrooms and nursery area are located the parish hall at Emmanuel and in the lower level and “link-way” at St. John’s. It’s nice to have you visit today. May God bless our worship together!
THE SEASON OF LENT During the six Sundays of Lent (before Easter Sunday), God invites us to take an honest look at ourselves and REPENT–to turn away from sin and to turn toward Jesus for forgiveness and life. In today’s Scripture readings, God first teaches us the LAW, (summarized in the 10 commandments) that shows us our sin and need for a Savior. God then teaches us the GOSPEL (the good news of Jesus) that shows us our Savior, “Christ crucified” in whom we trust and whose message we proclaim.
GOD’S WORD FOR TODAY Divine Jesus Rescues Us From God’s Law – The season of Lent has historically been a time for Christians to meditate on Jesus’ passion. His suffering and death atoned for the sins we committed. Therefore, Lent is the “serious season” of the church year where we Christians put an extra emphasis on recognizing and confessing our own sins. Congregations that have special mid-week services are able to make the tone somber and reflective. The Sundays in Lent, however, serve as “mini Easters” where the readings and hymns bring joy and comfort to the believer who is reflecting on his/her own sins and Jesus’ passion during this season. The third Sunday in Lent reminds us of God’s perfect law and his holy demand that we fear and love him. Thankfully, Jesus has fulfilled God’s law in our place.
From the cross Your wisdom shining,
breaking forth in conquering might;
From the cross forever beaming,
all Your bright redeeming light.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise to You who light does send.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia without end. (Hymn 280:4)
“The Common Service” (hymnal page 15)
Note: At St. John’s…
ST. JOHN’S SCHOOL GRADES 2-4 SING “The Walk to Calvary” (in place of opening hymn)
Note: At Emmanuel…
ADULT CHOIR SINGS “O Crucified Messiah” (in place of opening hymn)
(Please stand)
LITURGY (hymnal page 15, read & sung responsively)
LITURGY (hymnal page 17b, read & sung responsively)
(Please be seated for the day’s Scripture readings)
(today’s sermon text underlined: verses 1-6)
At Mt. Sinai God gives Moses the Ten Commandments–a summary of His Law
And God spoke all these words: “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
“You shall have no other gods before me.
“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
“You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
“You shall not murder.
“You shall not commit adultery.
“You shall not steal.
“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
PSALM 19 (hymnal page 70, lectern side sings the first line, pulpit side sings the second line, all sing refrains and Gloria)
EPISTLE LESSON 1 Corinthians 1:22-25
The preaching of the cross is God’s wisdom
Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.
VERSE OF THE DAY Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. (John3:14,15)
(Alleluias are omitted during Lent)
(Please stand)
After the announcement of the Gospel, all sing:
“Glory be to you, O Lord!”
GOSPEL LESSON John 2:13-22
Jesus clears the temple–a call to repentance
When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market!”
His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”
Then the Jews demanded of him, “What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
The Jews replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” But the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.
After the reading of the Gospel, all sing:
“Praise be to you, O Christ”
NICENE CREED (hymnal page 18b, all read)
(Please be seated)
At Emmanuel, all children ages 2-6 are invited to Nursery Sunday School in the parish hall.
SERMON HYMN 286 “The Law Commands and Makes Us Know” (printed in hymnal, all sing)
SERMON Exodus 20:1-6
“Our God Is King of the Hill”
1. A position he demands
2. A position he deserves
(Please stand after the sermon)
LITURGY (hymnal page 20, all sing)
(Please be seated)
(Please stand)
M: Dear heavenly Father, as we once again journey to the cross this Lenten season, we are humbled by your love for us and our sinful world. We thank you for the gift of your Son, our Savior, and for all you have given us.
C: We especially thank you for your spiritual gifts: for your Holy Word and Sacraments, for the forgiveness of sins in Jesus, and for our eternal home in heaven.
M: We give you thanks for making us valuable sons and daughters to you through the perfect life and redeeming death of our dear Savior, Jesus.
C: Our noble purpose in life – to be your witnesses, your ambassadors, your co-workers in things eternal – is more than we could ever expect or deserve!
M: Father, forgive us when we do not reflect the value we have in Christ; when our lives fail in many ways to show we belong to you.
C: Forgive us when we do not value what you value – in our relationship to you, in our relationship to our families, and to the many others you have placed in our lives.
M: Lord Jesus, we ask that you would change us and strengthen us through the word we have heard to live our values in what we say and in what we do, so that others may know we value you above all.
C: Enable us to reflect your love with forgiving hearts, kind words, Christ-like actions and striking generosity.
M: Use us to share your saving gospel personally through gentle conversation with those we meet, through the outreach of our church in this community, and through eager support of missions around the world.
C: Throughout our lives, and even at death, help us to leave a legacy of faithful devotion to you, our Savior. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
– For those hospitalized, ill, shut-in and facing trials: George Alexander, Chuck Boetcher, Gale “Blackie” Boyd, Alexandria Buehrens (Bob & Carolyn’s great granddaughter), Bob & Carolyn Buehrens, George Chapman, Gene & Sharon Crook, Harley & Liola Crown, Agnes Dassow, Elaine Emond (Mark’s mother), Marjorie Fabian, Mike Farrell, Donna Gatzke, Kellen Grucza (Judy Fandrey’s daughter), Brian & Bonnie Harmon (Linda Lou Wacholtz’ sister & brother-in-law), Brody Henke, Ardis Henning, Laurana Hoffman (Tim’s daughter), Drake Hunter (Bill & Cally’s grandson), Mary Isberner, Geri Kerl (Sue Brown’s mother), Bob Klapper (Sandy’s husband), Doris Klawitter, Anna Madigan, Kerry & Lily Mann, Sherry Miller (Candace Sonnenberg’s sister), David & Janette Mottis (Ed & Marlene Buchholz’ niece and husband), Steve Parrish, Wilma Rudolph, Bob Schrank, Bill Schroeder (Ashley’s father-in-law), Jane Torres (Stacie Starke’s mother) – (added this week: )
– For the family of Roger Stellick (Doug’s uncle) called home on 2/23
– For our communicants at Emmanuel
LORD’S PRAYER (hymnal page 20b, all read)
Note: At Emmanuel…
LITURGY FOR HOLY COMMUNION (hymnal page 21, sung & read responsively)
(Please be seated for Holy Communion)
At St. John’s and Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Churches we practice closed communion. If you are a guest at worship today and interested in receiving the Lord’s Supper, please speak with the pastor prior to the service.
DISTRIBUTION HYMNS 313 “Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior, 285:1-2 “The Ten Commandments Are the Law” (printed in hymnal, all sing)
(Please stand)
LITURGY (hymnal page 24-25a, sung & read responsively)
CLOSING HYMN 285:11-12 “The Ten Commandments Are the Law” (printed in hymnal, all sing)
Note: At St. John’s…
LITURGY (hymnal page 25)
(Please be seated)
HYMN 285:1-2 “The Ten Commandments Are the Law” (printed in hymnal, all sing)
(Please stand)
CLOSING PRAYER & BLESSING (hymnal page 25, read & sung responsively)
CLOSING HYMN 285:11-12 “The Ten Commandments Are the Law” (printed in hymnal, all sing)
Theme for next Sunday (3/11):
The Fourth Sunday in Lent: Faith Looks to Jesus
Note: Please give your completed friendship register page to an usher or pastor as you leave today’s service.
Sun. | 8:00 A.M. | Emmanuel Worship with communion | |
8:20 A.M. | Emmanuel Nursery Sunday School | ||
8:30 A.M. | St. John’s Sunday School | ||
9:00 A.M. | Emmanuel/St. John’s Adult Bible Study | ||
10:00 A.M. | St. John’s Worship | ||
11:15 A.M. | St. John’s teacher call meeting | ||
Mon. | 9:00 A.M. | Pastor’s Study Club at St. John’s – Montello | |
6:00 P.M. | Hands In Prayer meeting at St. John’s | ||
6:30 P.M. | Senior Choir at St. John’s | ||
7:30 P.M. | Adult Bible Study at St. John’s | ||
Tues. | 9:00 A.M. | St. John’s Elders meeting | |
6:00 P.M. | Joint Ministry Study Committee meeting at St. John’s | ||
Wed. | 10:00 A.M. | Adult Bible Study at St. John’s | |
1:40 P.M. | St. John’s School/Little Lambs early dismissal | ||
2:15 P.M. | Public School Teen Confirmation class at St. John’s | ||
3:30 P.M. | Emmanuel Devotion | ||
4:15 P.M.-6:00P.M. | Lenten Supper | ||
6:30 P.M. | St. John’s Devotion | ||
Thurs. | 10:00 A.M. | Montello Care Center devotion | |
6:00 P.M. | Griefshare at St. John’s lower level | ||
Fri. | |||
Sat. | |||
Theme for next Sunday (3/11): The Fourth Sunday in Lent: Faith Looks to Jesus |
8:00 A.M. | Emmanuel Worship | ||
8:20 A.M. | Emmanuel Nursery Sunday School | ||
8:30 A.M. | St. John’s Sunday School | ||
9:00 A.M. | Emmanuel/St. John’s Adult Bible Study | ||
10:00 A.M. | St. John’s Worship with communion |
ST. JOHN’S OFFERING STATEMENT SIGN-UP The signup sheet is located in the church link way. Please sign up if you wish to have a copy of your 2017 offering statement.
2017 OFFERING STATEMENTS If you have signed up to receive your 2017 offering statement, please pick it up in the link way.
CHURCH PHOTOGRAPHY SIGN-UP If you would like to be put on a sign-up list for your photography session for our new church directory, please fill out some information on the sign-up sheet located in the church link way. Ciara will sign you up and give you a confirmation call with your date and time of session. We will also have some volunteers in the office for online sign-up on Sunday, March 11, from 9:00am to 10:00am and then after church, 11:00am to 12:00pm. Stop on by!
EASTER FLOWER ORDER There will be a sign-up in the church link way for those who would like to order Easter flowers this year. The deadline is March 18.
LENTEN SUPPERS March 7, 4:15p.m. – 6:00p.m.
Hosted by the HANDS IN PRAYER! A free will offering will be taken.
What’s on the Menu? White chicken chili, chicken soup, chili, fixings, cheese and sausage tray, desserts, coffee and milk. See you there!
HELP WANTED! St. John’s is in need of some volunteers to help clean the church. Let’s do our part and take care of God’s house that he has blessed us with! If you are interested, please contact the office.
ARE YOU HIP?! (HANDS IN PRAYER) HIP GROUP would like to invite you to join them March 5th, 2018 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM in the church lower level to see what they are all about. We enjoy Christian fellowship and crochet, knit, quilt, or tie prayer shawls (lap blankets) and other crafty items for congregational members that might need to be uplifted, are dealing with an illness, or just to show a little encouragement. Craftiness is not required and we are willing to teach anyone who might be interested. If you have questions call Bernice Wegner at (608) 297-7185.
Part of this spring’s Easter for Kids will be a baby animal petting zoo. The event is Saturday, March 24. Would you have any of the following baby animals on that day that you would allow us to borrow? OR do you have leads and contact numbers of someone who might? Kittens, puppies, bunnies, chicks, ducklings, lamb, kids (goats), piglets—we are also open to suggestions. We already have some of the babies lined up, but we would like backup! Please contact Linda Wachholz at 608 369-2635 or lwmsreporter@stjohnsmontello.org
EASTER FOR KIDS DONATIONS APPRECIATED Planning for 75 children on Saturday, March 24. Monetary gifts help the most—used for advertising, mailings, crafts, baskets, anything & everything for the event. We appreciate donations of home-crafted items for the baskets. Volunteers are still needed to bake for the baskets & make jello jigglers for the lunch. Volunteers to help the day of the event are also welcome. Please contact Linda Wachholz 608-369-2635 to donate or volunteer.
Still collecting plain print-free ice cream pails (ValuTime brand at Frietags or others) for coming years. Donation box located in linkway.
PRE-REGISTER FOR EASTER FOR KIDS Any child, age 3 through Grade 6, is welcome to attend Easter for Kids at St. John’s on Saturday, March 24. This is an outreach program–it would be great if St. John’s & Emmanuel kids who attend would invite a non-member or unchurched friend! Register online www.stjohnsmontello.org Get registration forms at both churches, in Monday Magazine, on church & school Facebook, & on public bulletin boards around Montello. This year’s theme is “Jesus—Giver of New Life.” Storytime, singing, crafts, baby animal petting zoo, egg hunt, & more bring the true meaning of Easter to the children. Deadline
is Friday, March 16.
SPRING MISSION OFFERINGS are being collected by the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society through Sunday, March 25. Containers are located in the entrance at St. John’s and Emmanuel—Please give your gift at the church where you are a member. 75% of gifts given will support Beaver Dam Circuit projects—HM/Hmong Evangelist Training & WM/Apache Christian Training School (ACTS). 25% of gifts given will support home & world mission projects described on the poster by the container and will be presented at the next LWMS Convention, June 21-24, in Green Bay. Gifts welcome from all who love missions!
SEND ONE SISTER PROGRAM assists women who would like to attend the LWMS Convention as a first-time attendee. This year’s Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society Convention will be held June 21-24 in Green Bay, and it’s time to register! Registration materials are available from your reporter (Helen Stelter at Emmanuel; Linda Wachholz at St. John’s). If you have never attended but have thought you might like to attend this mission-packed weekend, you are encouraged to complete a Send One Sister application, also available from your church’s reporter. The Beaver Dam Circuit Board will be holding a Silent Auction at it spring rally to raise SOS funds which will be given to first-time attendees from our circuit to help with their expenses. Why don’t YOU apply!! Deadline: April 15, 2018
YOU ARE INVITED TO HELP WITH A SERVICE PROJECT FOR CAMP PHILLIP-WAUTOMA 1) Donate items on the Camp Wish List (copies at the collection boxes at both churches) and/or 2) Donate monetary gifts towards Camp Phillip’s present $500,000 building project. Please give monetary gifts to the LWMS reporter at your church (Helen Stelter at Emmanuel; Linda Wachholz at St. John’s). Your LWMS sisters thank you for supporting your WELS Lutheran area camp! Collecting through April 15.
WEDNESDAY LENTEN DEVOTIONS “Jesus, Our Great High Priest” (based on the New Testament book of Hebrews) is the theme for this year’s midweek Lenten devotions that began Ash Wednesday, 2/14 3:30 p.m. at Emmanuel and 6:30 p.m. at St. John’s. Supper will be served in the St. John’s lower level from 4:15–6:00 p.m. “Jesus, I will ponder now, on your holy passion.” (Hymn 98)
CHRISTIAN ONE-LINERS (from a WELS pastor): If a church wants a better pastor, it only needs to pray for the one it has.
Is Sunday, March 11th at 2:00pm in the Luther Prep gym.
THE LUTHERAN GIRL PIONEERS The Lutheran Girl Pioneers invites girls ages 8-15 to join us at the LGP International Camp July 29- August 4, 2018. We have many classes to choose, from canoeing to Zumba, from crocheting to archery. There are also nightly campfires, daily devotions, and so much more!
LGP Camp is located at Camp Bird, Crivitz, Wisconsin.
You don’t have to be a member of Lutheran Girl Pioneers to come! Girls from all over the U.S. and Canada have joined us! Registrations come out in March.
For more information, email LGPcamp@gmail.com.
Lutheran Girl Pioneers serves girls of the WELS and ELS. For more information about LGP, email girlpioneers@gmail.com.
CONTEST! Box Tops, Kwik Trip, and Tyson a+ contest has started and ends on April 13th! Each classroom will compete to see which room can collect the most items and the winning class room will win a “Taco Boat” party. Box Tops do have expiration dates, so if everyone could please turn in what you currently have as soon as possible, it would be much appreciated! Thank you to everyone for supporting your school and have fun collecting! Remember that family and friends are happy to help! Good luck!
BECOME A RED CROSS VOLUNTEER! Our volunteers touch lives in the community every day. They are the heart and soul of the Red Cross and represent every age, gender, religion, race and ethnicity. There are so many ways you can help. Start your Red Cross story today.
Red Cross Informational Table on will be on Thursday, March 29 from 11am-1pm at the Montello Public Library. Speak with a Red Cross representative about volunteer opportunities across all lines of business. Contact Lee at 920.227.4286 for more information. Start your Red Cross story by visiting redcross.org/volunteer
Usher Schedule | |
March 4 E (with comm) | Brian Ninneman, Paul Dahlke, Joe Heller, communion assist; Lucas Stelter |
SJ | Kenon Smith, Chief; Lee Ollendorf, Aaron Kendall, Chuck Boetcher, Jim Eisermann |
March 7 E | Don Stelter, Dave Radke |
SJ | Cal Kapp; Chief, Corey Kaul |
March 11 SJ
(with comm) |
James Wachholz; Chief, Jerre Duerr, Robin Smith, Del Henke, Joe Zauner |
E | Wayne Stelter, Glenn Buchholz, Jim Stuempges |
St. John’s Greeter Schedule | |
March 4 | Aaron Kendall & Christopher Smith |
March 11 | James & Linda Wachholz |
March 18 | Scott & Debbie Ritz |
March 25 | Karl Whitrock & Elsa Russell |
Attendance | Emmanuel | St. John’s | |
2-25 2-28 | 54 61 | 163 66 | |
St. John’s Altar Committee
March 2018 |
Diane Eisermann
& Delores Cotte |
St. John’s & Emmanuel Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule
Theme: Jesus Christ is Our High Priest
3/7/18 | Emm – 3:30p.m.
SJ – 6:30p.m. |
Midweek 4 | Pastor Mike Sheppard
Mt. Zion-Ripon |
3/14/18 | Emm – 3:30p.m.
SJ – 6:30p.m. |
Midweek 5 | Pastor John Stelter
St. John’s-Princeton |
3/21/18 | Emm – 3:30p.m.
SJ – 6:30p.m. |
Midweek 6 | Pastor Pete Zietlow |
3/29/18 | Emm – 7:00p.m.
(communion) |
Maundy Thursday | Pastor Pete Zietlow |
3/30/18 | SJ – 1:00p.m.
(communion) |
Good Friday | Pastor Pete Zietlow |
4/1/18 | SJ – 6:00a.m. & 10:00a.m
Emm – 8:00a.m. |
Easter Sunrise & Easter Service
Easter Service |
Pastor Pete Zietlow |
Welcome To Our Visitors!
Please Sign Our Guest Register
Visit our website & Facebook link at: www.stjohnsmontello.org
Pastor Peter Zietlow Office (608) 297-2321
Cell & Text (608) 408-7830, E-mail: zietlowpl6@hotmail.com
Principal Tim Hemling (608) 745-2549
Teacher Karin Stellick (920) 342-3689
Teacher Sara Borck (858) 731-7919
Teacher Sandra Hemling (608) 745-2776
Parish/School Secretary Ciara Neuhauser (608) 297-2866
Altar Ladies Elaine Kelm (920) 344-0025 &
Carolyn Rosenthal 589-5036
Mail to: 313 E Montello St, Montello, WI 53949
OR scsecretary@stjohnsmontello.org
Winnebago Lutheran Academy
Principal Mr. David Schroeder/WLA office (920) 921-4930
WLA website: www.wlavikings.org