Guard – November 30, 2022

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7


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Daily Devotion – November 30, 2022

Devotion based on Philippians 4:7

See series: Devotions

When Queen Elizabeth died, the Royal Guards went into action. As the many days of ceremonies and funerals got underway, the Royal Guards became a constant presence around her coffin. Throughout the long hours of her lying in state, it was the duty of the Royal Guards to stand at rigid attention, absolutely still. It was during this time, around 1 A.M., that one of the Royal Guards fainted and collapsed. As was later reported, this is not unusual. The long hours, heavy equipment, heat, and need to stand frozen in place—all contributes to an occasional collapse. In fact, because this is not uncommon, the Royal Guards receive specific training on how to “faint to attention.” In other words, when a Royal Guard faints, he is not to fall sideways. He is to fall straight forward, face first. As one of the officers said, fainting to attention in this way may mean “a broken nose and…missing teeth.”

Fainting to attention is certainly an impressive testimony to the Royal Guards’ devotion to duty. In its own way, it acknowledges that even such well-trained guards are still imperfect, still vulnerable to human frailty.

In the part of the Bible we are focusing on today, the apostle Paul gives us a solemn promise. He says, “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Think about that for a moment; you have a guard—faithful, vigilant, standing watch over your mind and heart. But unlike a human guard, this guard will never tire, never waver, never wander, never grow faint. This is because the peace of God that guards you is sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ—the same blood that our King shed on Calvary’s cross to wash away our every sin, including every time you and I have wavered in our relationship with him.

And so, rest easy and know that all is well. Your Savior-King is on duty, and he will never faint.

Lord Jesus, my King, thank you for standing guard. Move me to rest in you. Amen.

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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Anxious – November 29, 2022

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6,7


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Daily Devotion – November 29, 2022

Devotion based on Philippians 4:6,7

See series: Devotions

You and I live in an anxious culture. There are all kinds of suggestions as to why anxiety seems to be on the rise. Some point to the economy. Others point to a loss in our sense of security. Still, others suggest that social media has produced factors that nurture anxiety, from poor sleeping habits and artificial light to a sense of isolation and the fear of missing out.

Prolonged anxiety can lead to other issues. It can diminish the immune system. It can disrupt the digestive system. It can contribute to muscle tension and chronic pain. Perhaps worst of all, prolonged anxiety is something Satan can use to introduce sinful escapes—drinking too much, eating too much, procrastination, and pornography.

Anxiety, however, is nothing new. Since our fall into sin, there has been more than enough to make people anxious. Take the apostle Paul. When he wrote his letter to the Philippians, Paul was under arrest in Rome. He was waiting—and waiting and waiting—for the Roman Emperor to rule on his case. If someone ever had reason to feel anxious, that person was Paul.

But to the Philippian Christians, Paul says this: Do not be anxious about anything. Anything? Yes, anything. Then, after such a bold statement, Paul gives the godly alternative to anxiety, the godly release. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, . . . with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” And when we do that, Paul promises, the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

And so, it all comes back to Jesus. Not only has the Son of God lived a life of perfect trust on our behalf; not only has our Savior and King suffered and died for all the ways we have sought sinful escapes. He now invites us to open up to him about everything. And as we do, he promises us a peace from him that transcends all understanding.

Lord Jesus, when I feel anxious, move me to open up to you. Give me your peace. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Mountain – November 28, 2022

Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob.”
Isaiah 2:3


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Daily Devotion – November 28, 2022

Devotion based on Isaiah 2:3

See series: Devotions

In terms of visitors, the most popular mountain in the world is Mount Fuji. It is the tallest mountain in Japan. Its distinct beauty is breathtaking. It’s the stuff of poetry, art, and history. And because it’s possible to reach the summit without special mountain-climbing equipment, hundreds of thousands climb Mount Fuji every year.

The climb, however, is difficult and long. There are certain items you need to bring with you. You will need protective clothing and good hiking boots. You need rain gear in case of sudden storms. And for the portion of the trail where you’ll be walking in darkness, you’ll need a battery-powered headlamp. When you stop half-way up to catch a few hours’ sleep, you’ll need earplugs to block the noise. For food, bring along high-calorie food sticks and energy bars, and bring water. And in case you begin to get light-headed towards the summit, a small can of oxygen is a particularly good idea.

There is another mountain that exists—a mountain far more breathtaking than Mount Fuji. This mountain is of an entirely different kind. The prophet Isaiah calls it, “The mountain of the LORD.” It’s his inspired way of describing the presence of Christ the King. Coming to this mountain is not about bringing the right clothing, the right equipment, the right food. It is not at all about climbing through darkness, storms, heat, and cold in the hope that you might make it to the summit.

Rather, it is all about the Holy Spirit using the message of Christ crucified and risen to draw you into God’s presence through faith in his Son. It is all about the gospel empowering you to bask in the forgiveness Jesus has earned for you, to be filled with his peace, to proclaim Christ with your fellow believers, to trust his will for your lives.

There is one thing you can bring along, however, your sin. Bring your sin for your King and Savior to wash it all away.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the mountain of your grace. Move me to bring you my sin every single day. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Obstacles – November 27, 2022

Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you.
1 Thessalonians 3:11


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Daily Devotion – November 27, 2022

Devotion based on 1 Thessalonians 3:11

See series: Devotions

The apostle Paul longed for the opportunity to return to the city of Thessalonica and be with his Christian friends. He wanted to go there in person to encourage them in their trials and strengthen their faith to help them stand firm in the face of opposition. But Satan stirred up such a fury against the followers of Jesus that it was too dangerous for Paul to revisit the congregation. As much as he desired to go, his way to them was blocked.

We have these same experiences. At times there are difficult issues and crushing concerns that greatly impact our lives. We are stymied by these events and circumstances that are beyond our ability to contend with and rise above. What kinds of things are you facing now that are blocking your way forward? What can you do?

Do what Paul did. Realizing that the situation was beyond his control, the apostle expressed a prayer to the One who controls all things. He prayed that our “God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you.” Paul could not quell the persecution to open up the way for him to make his important trip, but God could. He is the almighty God who can do all things.

Whatever obstacles in life you face, pray confidently to God that he clears away the roadblocks. He is your heavenly Father who created you with his almighty power, and through the Lord Jesus, he loves you as his very own. He has removed the most difficult obstacle—the sin that blocked your way to life with him. Therefore, you can trust God to always do what is good for you so that you can go forward in life, serving him in love and living in thankfulness to him for all his great goodness.

Lord God, be my helper and strength, especially as I face difficult obstacles. Remind me of the great love that you demonstrated in my salvation. Give me the assurance that you continue to exercise your power and love for me in all circumstances. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Beautiful People – November 26, 2022

“The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness.”
Jeremiah 23:5,6

Beautiful People

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Daily Devotion – November 26, 2022

Devotion based on Jeremiah 23:5,6

See series: Devotions

In the days of the prophet Jeremiah, about 600 years before the birth of Jesus, many people of God’s chosen nation had turned away from God into unbelief. They followed false teachers and bad leaders that led them into idolatry. However, there were some people who remained faithful to the true God. Through Jeremiah, God promised that he would gather all his faithful ones and bless them.

The Lord announced that glorious time: “The days are coming when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.” With the word “branch,” God wants us to think of a shoot or sprout which grows out of a dying stump or from the ground where a tree stump is decaying. With this imagery, God pointed to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. His roots or ancestry were from the line of King David. But by the time of his arrival, the grandeur of David’s kingdom had died and decayed under David’s godless successors. The Messiah, however, came to reestablish the glory of David’s throne, although not in the same way as before. Jesus Christ is a King, but his kingdom is new and different. His has a spiritual kingdom where he graciously rules in the hearts of people of faith.

God cares for his people, and he saves them. He sent Jesus to do what is “just and right in the land.” In contrast to the people who rejected God and lived in disobedience to his will, Jesus lived in perfect obedience to the will of God and was guiltless of any sin. He lived this way for our benefit. God charged the perfect righteousness of his Son to us. He is: THE LORD, OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Covered with the purity of Jesus Christ, we are beautiful people in God’s eyes and blessed by faith in Jesus to be members of his glorious, eternal kingdom.

Prayer: (Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal – 376)
Jesus, your blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress;
Mid flaming worlds, in these arrayed,
With joy shall I lift up my head. Amen.

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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Worship God – November 25, 2022

I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, “Don’t do that . . . Worship God!”
Revelation 22:8,9

Worship God

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Daily Devotion – November 25, 2022

Devotion based on Revelation 22:8,9

See series: Devotions

As a little boy, Brian grew up in the heart of the United States. By the time he was in his late teens, he had joined the Army. As a commander, he saw the world: Europe, the Middle East, etc. Pick a spot on the map, and he had been there. But now, after a career of one transition after another, where did he retire? Raising chickens on his great-great-grandparents’ homestead in the middle of Kansas. You could hear the satisfaction in his voice as he told his full-circle story.

There’s something satisfying about seeing things come full circle. And there’s no better full-circle story than God’s. On the first page of the Bible, we see him create a perfect world, part of which included a tree and a law, “Don’t eat!” so that humans had an opportunity to worship. When God wiped the world clean and basically started over with Noah and his family, what did they do as soon as they set foot on the freshly washed earth? They worshiped. When God rescued his people from slavery and made a covenant with them, “Only worship God” was at the top of the list. When Jesus stepped into public ministry, and Satan tried to trip him up? What did Jesus say? “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only!” (Luke 4:8).

Now here we are on the last page of the Bible. A messenger brings good news to the apostle John. And out of impulse, John falls at his feet. But what does the angel tell John? “Worship God!” Why? There is only one God who created a perfect world and forged a relationship with us. There is only one God who was willing to sacrifice his Son to save us from our sins. There is only one God who will create a new world to cement our perfect relationship with him forever. Simply put, there is only one God worth worshiping.

Triune God, lead me to worship you and you alone. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Guard God’s Word – November 24, 2022

“Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.”
Revelation 22:7

Guard God’s Word

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Daily Devotion – November 24, 2022

Devotion based on Revelation 22:7

See series: Devotions

A few years ago, a wildfire was approaching our home. We weren’t in imminent danger, but we could see the flames as they came down the mountain in our direction. While not forced to evacuate, we quickly pulled out our phones to grab a visual inventory of our “stuff.” Then we loaded up the SUV with the really “important stuff,” just in case the evacuation orders came. Not everything made it into the SUV. We had to prioritize.

Jesus warns us many times throughout the Bible, that the flames of judgment are coming. No matter where you live, they’re coming in your direction. But you don’t have to waste time grabbing a phone to take inventory of your stuff. You don’t even have to discuss what you need to prioritize for the SUV. The Bible makes it clear there’s only one thing necessary to keep. “Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy.”

Guard God’s Word. Don’t change it or leave it behind. Keep it. Why? Because it is the only thing that shows us Jesus. It is the only thing that shows us a Savior who went to the cross and snuffed out the fires of God’s wrath that were coming in our direction. God’s Word is the only thing that shows us a Jesus who says, “Blessed are you to receive my kingdom.”

Dear Jesus, preserve your Word in my mind and heart. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Jesus is Coming Soon – November 23, 2022

“Look, I am coming soon!”
Revelation 22:7

Jesus is Coming Soon

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Daily Devotion – November 23, 2022

Devotion based on Revelation 22:7

See series: Devotions

If you live in the United States, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which means today isn’t just about brining the turkey or setting the table with the fine china, it’s also the highest volume day of the year for air travel. While it may be a day filled with frustrations in the airport, it is also a day when excitement fills the home. “Johnny’s coming home tonight!” “Little Susie’s going to be at Grandma’s in a few hours!” “I can’t wait!” How many thousands of people are going to be peering out the front door today, ready to run out and hug their loved ones when they pull into the driveway?

It’s that same anticipation that Jesus wants for his people, “Look, I am coming soon!” In other words, “I’m on my way.” Consider how exciting that must have been for the apostle John to hear! His friend, his teacher, his Savior was “coming soon!” But it’s also exciting for you! Your friend, your teacher, your Savior is coming soon! In some ways, it’s even more exciting for us—to this point, we’ve never seen Jesus face-to-face. But when he comes back, we will. Imagine what it will be like to shake Jesus’ nail-pierced hand for the first time! Or imagine what it will be like to hug Jesus, thanking him for all he’s done!

But it’s not just the sheer excitement of meeting Jesus that makes us peer out the front door of our lives. It’s also the relief that he brings. He’s not just coming to our home to help carve the turkey or rice the potatoes; he’s coming to our world to relieve us from all the things we see going on around us: the wars, the disasters, the persecution. And best of all, even though he already defeated sin on the cross, he’s coming to relieve us from all the effects of sin. He’ll relieve us forever as he takes us to his home. That will be something worth celebrating!

Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly! Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Assembly Required – November 22, 2022

The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.
Revelation 22:6

Assembly Required

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Daily Devotion – November 22, 2022

Devotion based on Revelation 22:6

See series: Devotions

“Some assembly required.” Those can be dreadful words. You purchase a new bookcase, and before you know it, parts and pieces are strewn all over the floor while you pore over the directions. “Insert hardware piece A into side panel 12. Insert hardware piece B into shelf C. Tighten bolt DD with locking nut FF.” By the time you get to step 22-3a, you lose patience and try to figure things out on your own. But just when you think you are done, you are concerned that there is still one board, four nuts, and three brackets. For a completely assembled product, you need to follow the steps in order.

From the beginning, God has proved himself a God of order. He didn’t create the fish on day five and then slap his forehead, “Ugh! I forgot to create water.” Creation had an order. So too, on the other end of the world’s timeline, God is all about order. Certain things must take place before this world comes to an end. We may not know all the “things that must soon take place,” but “the Lord, the God who inspires the prophets,” showed us what we need to know. From the rest of the Bible, we know some steps are quite difficult—wars, natural disasters, persecution. These “things” may not be easy, but according to the God of order, they are necessary.

Such things can be disturbing. But they ought not be surprising. And the fact that the God of order said this is how it would happen brings us great comfort. For it assures us that when this world seems to be spinning out of control, our God is still the One in control. And he is the One who will see us through these things until we reach the perfect new world; he has promised all those who place their trust in Jesus as their Savior from sin and hope for heaven.

Lord, assure me that everything I see happening in the world is still according to your great plan. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Trustworthy and True – November 21, 2022

The angel said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 22:6

Trustworthy and True

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Daily Devotion – November 21, 2022

Devotion based on Revelation 22:6

See series: Devotions

Occasionally, I’ll watch a movie, and right before the credits roll, the producers will provide real-life updates on the characters. Shocked, I’ll think, ‘That was a true story?’ As soon as you know what you just watched was based on real people, it has a way of changing your perspective on the whole movie.

Just as the credits are about to roll after the last chapter of the Bible, we hear the same message, “This is a true story.” Maybe we had been convinced of that long ago. But at some times more than others, we need to be reminded, “These words are trustworthy and true.”

This was one of those times for a believer named John. He had witnessed some seemingly unbelievable events during his lifetime. As part of Jesus’ “inner circle” he watched Jesus raise a little girl from the dead. He watched a glowing Jesus converse with two heroes of faith who had already gone to heaven. When Jesus stood in John’s midst and explained his words and actions, there was little room for doubt in John’s mind.

But when John wrote the words of our Bible passage for today, Jesus hadn’t been around in the flesh for over fifty years. John’s friends and fellow disciples had all been killed. John himself had been exiled to an island. Things weren’t looking good for John or the Christian Church.

Perhaps you’ve felt the same way. You may feel abandoned and alone. Christianity seems not to be doing well, as Christians are viewed more as haters than helpers.

It is for you that the words of today’s Bible passage were written. God’s Word is true. And because God’s Word is true, it is also trustworthy. You can trust that your sins are forgiven through Jesus’ selfless sacrifice. You can trust that he defeated death when he rose from the tomb. You can trust that he has not left you alone. These words are trustworthy and true.

Prayer: (Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal – 872)
Lord, thank you for the truth of your Word. Use them to increase our trust that the strife will not be long; this day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song.

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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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