This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
1 John 3:16
Love Is Unconditional
Devotion based on 1 John 3:16
See series: Devotions
When your living Lord laid down his life for you, he showed you that love was an action; a thing you do. But who is to be the recipient of your loving actions? Most people would say their family, friends, and neighbors are the recipients of their love. But what is it about your family, friends, and neighbors that make them deserve your love? Is it because they raised and nurtured you? Is it because they support and encourage you? Is it because they lend you a cup of milk and an egg when you need them? Those are all wonderful things, but if those are the reasons you love others, then you still don’t understand love. Notice what all the previous examples have in common. They are examples of conditional love; it’s about you getting something before you give something.
In 1 John 3:16, we are told that Jesus loves “us.” It would be good for us to remember what we gave to Jesus before Jesus made us the recipients of his love. According to Ephesians 2:1-3, all people are, by nature, enemies of God. This is because, by nature, none of us wants the same things God wants. We had nothing of value to give to Jesus, in fact, we disobeyed and fought against him. If Jesus were to love us with conditional love, if he were to wait for us to give something to him before he gave something to us, then we would never be loved by him.
But you are loved. Jesus was fully aware you had nothing to give him. Yet, he decided to make you a recipient of his love. When he laid down his life for you—he gave your life value, forgiveness, and salvation. Jesus loves you not because of what you can give to him, rather, he loves you because of what he has given to you. Jesus loves you unconditionally.
Dear heavenly Father, I’m not worthy to be a recipient of your love. Yet, you love me anyway. Teach me love is unconditional. Strengthen me so that my love for others may be as unconditional as your love for me. Amen.
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