St. John’s Lutheran Church

St. John’s is a Christian Church
We believe and teach the three historic statements of the Christian faith – the Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds, which clarify that God is Triune: three equal yet distinct persons that are one deity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe and teach that Jesus Christ is God the Son from all eternity who took on human nature in his birth at Bethlehem, and that human beings are saved solely by faith in him and his perfect life and atoning death for sin.

St. John’s is a Lutheran Church
We emphasize the three great truths of the Reformation. . .

By Grace Alone
We are forgiven and saved solely as a result of God’s undeserved love, for the sake of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection for us. There is nothing human beings can or must do to contribute to their salvation.

Through Faith Alone
All that Jesus did to restore us to a right relationship with God is ours personally through faith in Jesus. The Holy Spirit creates and confirms in us this faith or trust in Jesus solely through the Gospel, in Scripture and in the Sacraments.

On the Basis of Scripture
Alone Christian truth and life are established solely by the 66 books of the Bible, God’s word-for-word revelation, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error.

St. John’s is an Evangelical Church
That word “evangelical” means that we are all about the Gospel – the “good news” that God’s love, forgiveness, and everlasting life are his free gift to sinners for the sake of Jesus Christ. The Gospel shapes our message, our mission, and the character of our life together in Christ’s Church.

St. John’s is a Confessional Church
Because they are a correct presentation of God’s Word, we consistently and without compromise teach the doctrines set forth in the catechism and confessions of the Lutheran Church – the Book of Concord.

Looking for some more in-depth information, look here:

Get into god’s word!

Bible study opportunities Emmanuel & St. john’s Lutheran churches

The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa . . .Amos 1:1a    Amos was a layman, a typical Israelite, a shepherd, a fig picker.  But God had different plans for him.  As a layman, head to Bible Study both for yourself and the good of others!  And in the study of the Word, God will make you ready for whatever opportunities He grants you!

Sunday morning Bible studies: Grand Themes and Key Words

Exploring Important Bible Terms: Bible Discovery Series

Emmanuel 9:00 a.m. St. John’s 8:45 a.m.

Sunday school at St. John’s 8:30 a.m. in the school.

Weekday bible study: Election & Predestination

St. John’s: Mondays 7:30 p.m., Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. Both will be in the conference room.