The True God Has Reclaimed His Creation – June 7, 2023

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Genesis 1:1,2

The True God Has Reclaimed His Creation

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Daily Devotion – June 7, 2023

Devotion based on Genesis 1:1,2

See series: Devotions

How do you imagine the first moments of creation? The Bible tells us there was a kind of chaos. “The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep.” Our world was a disordered mess. But then God spoke and formed new structures—light and darkness, skies and water, dry land and vegetation.

Sadly, after God created a perfect place for his people, a new type of chaos came into our world. As a result of the disobedience of the first man and woman, the darkness of evil and selfishness became a reality. In his love, God the Father continues to create humans to inhabit this world. Even more remarkably, he sent his Son to pay for the sins of the world. And the Holy Spirit now works in the hearts of men and women to trust that what Jesus did; he did for them.

And still, our triune God is not finished. He promises to return one day to make all things new, to make a new heaven and a new earth, to put all things back the way they are supposed to be. Until that day, let us trust our Creator, Savior, and divine Counselor to love us, be with us, and give our lives meaning and purpose, even in the chaos.

Lord God, you created all things by your power. Create in me a new heart that trusts you and wants to follow you wherever you want me to go. Amen.

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