Mistaken Identity – January 19, 2019

Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph.
Luke 3:23

Mistaken Identity

Daily Devotion – January 19, 2019

Devotion based on Luke 3:23

See series: Devotions

“I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.” It is a mistake and an apology made by many people. Usually the only lasting consequence from a case of mistaken identity is embarrassment. Not so when it happens with Jesus.

There were many people who knew Jesus from young on and concluded he was Joseph’s son. They believed what their eyes told them. This case of mistaken identity continued throughout Jesus’ ministry. Some did acknowledge he could have been a prophet or possibly a teacher, but even this conclusion was eventually limited by what they saw.

There are many people today who still suffer from a case of mistaken identity. They believe Jesus is a good man. They believe he offers some great lessons for life. They even believe he could be a prophet of sorts. But the Son of God? This would be too much to accept.

As I live in a skeptical world, I need to have the right answer to the question, who is Jesus? Do I see him as a role model? Do I see him as an engaging teacher? Do I see him as a life coach? If this is all I believe Jesus is, I too have been confused by a case of mistaken identity. Unfortunately, this case doesn’t end in embarrassment, it ends in eternal separation from God.

I must have a clear understanding of who Jesus is and what he did. For this I must rely on what God has recorded in the Bible. In the Old Testament prophecies, as well as in the New Testament fulfillment of the same, Jesus is clearly revealed as the Son of God and Son of Man. He is also clearly revealed as the Savior God provided.

Through faith in God’s faithful testimony I will be spared from a case of mistaken identity regarding Jesus. As a result, I will see him as my Savior and my way to heaven. I will also see him as the source of my joy and my peace with God.

O precious Savior, through faith in your holy Word, let me see you as you are and trust in all you have done for me. Amen.

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