“…as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15
Lord of My Heart and Home
Devotion based on Joshua 24:15
See series: Devotions
God’s service to his people is ever-faithful! He served the children of Israel through his almighty Word as he promised to give them a home of their own in Canaan. He also served them through the work of his almighty hand as their faith-filled hope of a promised home was finally fulfilled. Buoyed by a bold faith in God’s promises, Joshua passionately pledged to serve the Lord.
Such a desire to selflessly serve the Lord does not come naturally. The human heart instinctively seeks to serve the sinful self. Earthly idols abound all around us in the riches and pleasures that appear so attractive. The devil seduces the human heart and enslaves it into serving what is appealing to the eye rather than what is appealing to God. How disquieting it is when we repentantly recognize the countless occasions we have not lived up to the perfect service standards that God deserves and demands!
The Lord heals the haughty heart as he holds out his helping hand of grace to the helpless sinner. Just as he served Joshua and the Israelites through his faithful promises, he speaks to us of his promise to revive the brokenhearted with his free gift of forgiveness. In absolute selfless service to sinners, God sent his dearly loved Son, Jesus, who came to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.
Jesus teaches us that real freedom is found in serving him with all our heart. Like the lifeless idols of Joshua’s day, the modern gods that lead the heart to lust after them are helpless to liberate the sinner. They eventually lead to disappointment and eternal destruction. Only in Jesus does the empty heart find everlasting joy and peace. Our Servant-Savior once said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). Through God’s life-giving Word he grants us freedom to serve him gladly and willingly.
Out of heart-felt thanks for our Savior’s service to us, we serve Jesus by sharing the Lord’s promises with our families. Not only did Joshua commit himself to serving the Lord, he committed his household to the Lord’s service too. God’s work in the hearts of sinners begins as babies are brought to be baptized. God’s service continues in the hearts of his children as parents and guardians share the life-giving Word of God through family devotions.
The Lord kept his promise to give the Israelites a home in Canaan. The Lord has graciously given us the infinitely greater promise of a home with him in heaven. Inspired by his promise of life eternal, we live to serve him with all our heart!
Almighty Lord, reign unrivaled in my heart through your powerful Word so that I selflessly and ceaselessly serve you. Amen.
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