For the Lord himself will come down from heaven . . . Therefore, encourage one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:16,18
Know Where Your Path Leads
Devotion based on 1 Thessalonians 4:16,18
See series: Devotions
Not too long ago, my wife and I went on a long walk. It was a beautiful day, so we decided to walk beyond our planned path. As we meandered through a subdivision on this unmarked path, we weren’t quite sure where it would lead. Nor did we have our phones on us to provide a map.
When we came across two women sitting on the park bench, we didn’t simply ask, “Do you know where this path leads?” Rather, my wife started by asking, “Do you live around here?” When the women said, “Yes,” our confidence level went up. We were encouraged. They would know where the path led because they were from here.
As we go through life, we don’t always know where our paths lead. But considering that our goal is heaven, how encouraging it is to know that’s where our Lord lives. And the reason he’s there is because he finished his work here. Jesus lived a perfect life for you and died to take away your sins. He rose again, sealing his victory over death so he could open heaven to us. Today, in heaven, he is sitting at the right hand of God, ruling over all things for your benefit. Don’t miss the significance of those two little words, “The Lord himself will come down from heaven.” Be encouraged by these words and know that your King is coming from heaven.
Dear Jesus, as I go through life, I often get discouraged by the difficulties of life. Today, encourage me with the assurance that you are already in heaven and you are coming back so that I can be with you there. Amen.
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