Don’t You Care? – June 27, 2024

Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
Mark 4:38

Don’t You Care?

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Daily Devotion – June 27, 2024

Devotion based on Mark 4:38

See series: Devotions

“Don’t you care?”

Jesus had spent all day caring for the needs of others. The disciples had watched him heal people who were diseased or demon-possessed. Even as night fell, people were still bringing their sicknesses to Jesus. Exhausted, Jesus told his disciples to take him across the lake where he could get some rest.

As they made their way across, a furious storm kicked up. In an instant, waves were threatening to capsize the boat. The situation was so bad that even the disciples, who were expert fishermen, feared for their lives. Jesus, however, was fast asleep.

Frantic, the disciples woke Jesus and asked, “Don’t you care about us? Save us.” They knew he could save them, but they wondered why he wasn’t.

It’s a question we easily ask, especially when we experience some sudden, unexplainable, seemingly insurmountable situation. We’ve seen others overcome similar circumstances. We expect that if God is good, he should be good to all in equal ways. But when relief doesn’t come, the frightened questions do. “God, don’t you care?”

Of course, he does. The Bible is filled, from the first page to the last, with examples of God’s loving heart and powerful hands. But nowhere is his care more evident than on the cross. Because Jesus is God, the Father counted Jesus’ death as the full payment for our sins. Jesus died to save us from death. Because he lives, he gives eternal life to all who believe in him. Just because bad things happen doesn’t mean God doesn’t care.

If God didn’t hesitate to sacrifice himself for us, is there anything he wouldn’t do for us? He will do anything to spend forever with us in the paradise he is preparing for his people. Whether in good times or bad, in plenty or want, healthy or sick, storms or calm, we are always in God’s constant, loving care. There is nothing to fear.

Dearest Jesus, I believe you saved me from death, help me believe that you will always care for me in life. Amen.

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