Build With Care – July 21, 2023

But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:10,11

Build With Care

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Daily Devotion – July 21, 2023

Devotion based on 1 Corinthians 3:10,11

See series: Devotions

It would be ridiculous for builders to have a perfectly laid foundation and then build the house right next to it instead of on top of it. Who would do that?

Sadly, we may often do something just like that spiritually. Our natural, sinful tendency is to build our lives on things other than Jesus. As believers, we have the foundation of Jesus Christ. We’ve come to know him by faith. Yet there are times we bypass this perfect foundation of Christ and build our lives on things that have no solid footing. We may build our lives on the shoddy foundations of worldly treasures and pleasures. We may get so wrapped up in the sporting events of our children or the pulls of family time that we fail to spend time building on the foundation of God’s Word in worship and Bible study. There may seem to be lots of things in life that are given more weight or seem more pressing than our need to sit at the feet of Jesus and order our lives upon his Word.

But we’ve got the perfect, rock-solid foundation right here in him. Jesus isn’t just a better foundation. He is the only foundation. He is the only one to build your life upon if you want your life to stand forever into eternity. When your foundation is Christ, you will never worry about it sinking away or cracking. Your foundation isn’t going anywhere. So, build with care on the gospel foundation Christ has laid before you. Your life will be eternally better for it.

Christ, you are my cornerstone and my foundation. Help me build with care on that perfect place you’ve given me. Amen.

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