Your Treasure – August 14, 2020

[Jesus said] “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
Matthew 13:44

Your Treasure

Daily Devotion – August 14, 2020

Devotion based on Matthew 13:44

See series: Devotions

What do you treasure? Your family? Your stuff? Your teams? Your money? You treasure all sorts of things. Your treasure is what you sink your time into and talk about. It’s what your thoughts turn to again and again. The people you spend time with probably have a pretty good idea what you treasure.

It is certainly easy to see what the man in Jesus’ parable valued. After all, he sold everything he had to get it! He realized that the treasure in that field was more valuable than everything else he had put together.

Jesus told this parable to help us understand that being part of his kingdom, his family, is more valuable than everything else we have put together. Your house won’t last forever. Your car won’t last forever. Your career won’t last forever. Even your relationships won’t last forever. But, the kingdom of heaven will last forever.

So, don’t be fooled. Don’t think that anything or anyone in your life is as valuable as a relationship with your Creator—a relationship only made possible through Jesus and his saving work. Hold on to that relationship more tightly than anything else. Let it be what you sink your time into and talk about. Let it be what your thoughts turn to again and again. You can be sure it will be worth it!

Lord Jesus, help me to treasure you and your kingdom most of all. Amen.

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