Worth it? – November 17, 2017

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

Worth it?

Daily Devotion – November 17, 2017

Devotion based on Romans 8:18

See series: Devotions

Is it worth it? We ask ourselves this question many times every day. Is it worth it to drive out of our way to save a few pennies on gas? Is it worth getting the kids out of the car or should we just use the drive-through? Is it worth it to pay for two-day shipping or can we wait a few extra days?

Thankfully there is one decision that is so clear we have no need to wonder, “Is it worth it?” God tells us that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. In other words, if you piled all your sufferings on one side of a scale and on the other side the glory that awaits you in heaven, the scale would tip fast to the side of glory. In fact, the answer would be so obvious you would wonder why you even bothered to weigh them at all.

Is it worth it to go through sufferings on your way to heaven? Is it worth it to continue to fight against sin? Is it worth it to be made fun of and looked down on for your faith? Is it worth it to go through loneliness, poverty, disease, trusting in God’s power to save? Is it worth it to suffer things like these? God says that it will be so worth it that it isn’t even worth comparing.

Think about your worst day. No matter how bad it was or what happened, a time is coming when you will be so happy, content, perfect and at peace, that your worst day won’t even be remembered. No matter how bad things get, God promises you that the good coming in your eternal future will far outweigh any bad you go through now.

Is it worth the suffering to be with Jesus? God’s Word tells you to not even compare the present with the future. The glory God has in store for you is better by far.

Father in heaven, keep my eyes focused on the glory you promise me that I may not despair of my sufferings. Amen.

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