Trust and Joy – April 30, 2019

After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
John 20:20

Trust and Joy

Daily Devotion – April 30, 2019

Devotion based on John 20:20

See series: Devotions

Emotions are contagious. You’ve probably noticed this as you’ve journeyed through life. Someone “woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” They walk into a room and quickly sour the mood of everyone there. Meanwhile, another person bubbles with happiness. You find yourself feeling happy too. Why? Because emotions are contagious. Studies show this same thing. Moods can move through rooms, homes, organizations, and even cities.

Jesus’ followers were filled with sadness and fear. They had run away from Jesus in his hour of need. Jesus had been killed and buried. You can imagine the depressing mood in that room—shared and intensified by their mutual loss and guilt.

Suddenly the mood changed for the disciples, their tear-filled eyes saw Jesus. The one who had been dead was alive! The one they had run away from had come to them. Jesus was there, alive! What else could they feel except joy!

For you and me, joy starts with seeing Jesus. The sight of freshly-pierced, nail-scarred hands and feet show us who he is and what he’s done to cover sin’s cost. It’s not until you see that—not a teacher with wounds, or a man with wounds, but to know that GOD had wounds for you! Such a sight melts our hearts! Now we know our sin, guilt, and shame have been taken away. With that good news, what else can we feel except joy!

The disciples would not stay cooped up in that room behind locked doors. They would share their joy with friends and neighbors near and far away. May Jesus fill your heart and life with nothing but joy today! Share that joy!

Jesus, many things in my life try to rob me of the joy you give me. No matter what hardships I experience, Increase my trust and joy in you. Bless me with the opportunities and the heart to share your joy with others. Amen.

This week’s devotion focus on John 20:19-31 as we take a closer look at “Resurrection Trust.”

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