Jesus gave [the Jews] this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”
John 5:19
Perfect Harmony
Devotion based on John 5:19
See series: Devotions
Harmony is much desired but is often elusive. Wives and husbands desire it. Parents hope for it. Children yearn for it. Most people long for harmony even more than happiness. Unfortunately, harmony is shattered by selfishness, bitterness, and animosity.
Although I live in a world which lacks harmony, there is one place I can always find it. It is with God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. This is a precious gift I can never afford to ignore or take for granted.
As Jesus offered a rebuttal to the Jews who persecuted him, he offered a very simple yet profound truth. Jesus made it clear whatever the Father does the Son also does.
God is not divided. Father and Son work in perfect harmony. They are also completely united in working my rescue. Neither works independently, nor is in conflict with the other. It is because of this perfect harmony I find great comfort.
By nature, I rejected and rebelled against God. I stood opposed to his will. Yet, even though I didn’t deserve it, God reached out to rescue me.
In perfect harmony he accomplished everything required to save me. God the Father poured out his love for me in sending his Son. God the Son offered his life for me in dying on the cross. Because of the undivided purpose and perfect harmony of Father and Son, I am released from the just judgment I deserved.
It is because I enjoy the perfect harmony of the Father and Son that I need to take every opportunity to maintain it. I faithfully listen to his Word. I joyfully live in his love. I humbly walk according to his will. As I live in his grace, perfect harmony is fostered and preserved.
O blessed Savior, because of your faithfulness and the undeserved love of your Father, I am united with you by faith. Keep me in your grace, that I may enjoy perfect harmony with you, now and for all eternity. Amen.

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