Peace Be With You – May 4, 2019

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
John 20:19

Peace Be With You

Daily Devotion – May 4, 2019

Devotion based on John 20:19

See series: Devotions

We tend to think peace is something that happens when you finally have nothing to do. You’ve finished your “to do list.” Your work is finished. Ah, peace and quiet. While there is something peaceful about it, this kind of peace pales in comparison to the peace Jesus gives us. For one thing, tomorrow that “to do list” will appear again.

When Jesus appeared to his disciples alive on Easter evening, he declared peace to his disciples. They no longer needed to worry—about their future or their fate. Jesus’ resurrection assured them of his power, and his power to provide eternal life for all who follow him. There was nothing left for them to do. His perfect life and his innocent death paid the price for their sins.

So sit back tonight when your work is done for the day and ponder this peace Jesus gives you. Share the joy of this peace with others who are close to you. Bless them with the same peace Jesus gives you. “Peace be with you as you rest tonight.” Ah, that’s real peace—knowing that Jesus is your Savior, knowing that all is done, and knowing that one day you too will be with Jesus in heaven.

Jesus, fill my heart with your peace that I may always live in the sure hope of heaven. Amen.

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