Oh That is Why – June 13, 2019

[Jesus said] “And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.”
John 15:27

Oh That is Why

Daily Devotion – June 13, 2019

Devotion based on John 15:27

See series: Devotions

I don’t always know why God allows certain things to happen in my life. I have had some real bad times and some real good times.

When Jesus spoke the words from the Bible we are thinking about today, he was talking to his disciples. They had been through a few bad times, but there were some major bad times coming soon. That night, Jesus was arrested and killed. Why would God let the disciples go through all that? Jesus explained it even before it happened. He was preparing his disciples to testify.

They would talk about what they had seen early in Jesus’ ministry, since they had been there. And when they saw how it ended, in death and resurrection, they would be able to talk about how it all made sense in the end. Oh, that’s why God let that happen to them, and to his Son. He wanted to save them.

During the bad times, I wonder why God is letting the bad things happen. I pray for relief, and I wonder why God takes his time answering my prayer. If I learn anything from this Bible verse, I realize that God is letting the story play out, even in some bad ways, so that I can testify. I can testify to the goodness of God, to the eventual relief that he always gives, to his love.

During the good times, I learn to testify to God’s mercy and grace, since I don’t deserve them. I think about the longer arc of my life, and I realize how God has made all things work for my good. The bad times don’t look so bad when I view them like that. Oh, that’s why God gives me many seasons in my life, both good and bad. He wants me to testify.

In fact, I must testify, because I have witnessed so many lives turn from bad to good because of the forgiveness that Jesus won for them. I am compelled to say that Jesus is my Savior. He’s yours as well.

Lord, lead me to tell the story of your love throughout my life no matter what happens. Amen.

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