Not Fair – October 10, 2021

“Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?”
Matthew 20:15

Not Fair

Daily Devotion – October 10, 2021

Devotion based on Matthew 20:15

See series: Devotions

“That’s not fair!” How often don’t we feel or say that something isn’t fair? God has blessed me with children. If one daughter didn’t receive what her sister got, you can guess what I heard: “Dad, that’s not fair!”

In the Bible, Jesus tells the story about a landowner who hired workers throughout the day to work in his fields. At day’s end, he gave them all the same pay, regardless of how long they worked. When those who worked the longest saw that their paycheck matched that of those who worked less time, they cried out, “That’s not fair!” The landowner reminded his unhappy workers that he had the right to do what he wanted with his money. They were not to be jealous of his generosity.

At one time, you and I were without purpose or hope because of sin’s curse. But God, the gracious landowner, called us to faith and service in his vineyard, his kingdom of grace. Perhaps you have served him for a long time now. One day you will receive your paycheck in full: the gift of eternal life in heaven. There will be many there who will receive the same paycheck of God’s grace, even if they didn’t serve as long and hard. Yet may we not cry out, “That’s not fair!” Rather, let’s rejoice in God’s generosity for us! And while there still is time, let’s get out into those fields and labor to bring the message of a generous heavenly Father to those who are without purpose or hope.

Lord, in your generosity you have called me to serve you with my very life. Help me be faithful and truly thankful for your goodness. Through me bring your generosity in Jesus to others. Amen.

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