God’s Plan – September 6, 2021

Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.
Deuteronomy 4:2

God’s Plan

Daily Devotion – September 6, 2021

Devotion based on Deuteronomy 4:2

See series: Devotions

What do you like on your pizza? There are as many different answers to that question as there are people. If you order pizza for a group, you will find that people want to change the order. Some want to add more toppings, while others will pick off other toppings.

The same holds true for the Bible. We often do not want to leave the Bible as is. Maybe we do not like what it says about morality, so we take those parts away. Perhaps we do not agree with what it says about the origins of the universe, so we add human theories to mix with what God says. Maybe we want to have more say in how we are saved, so we sprinkle on the idea that if we are good enough people, God will let us into heaven.

All this may make us happy and give us religion that fits our style, but God does not want us to treat his Word like a pizza buffet. He has given us his Word so we can know him and find salvation in him, and he does not want us to add or subtract as that will only serve to mix up what God has given us.

Imagine if Jesus had treated God’s Word that way! Jesus came to earth to be our Savior from sin and to give us eternal life in heaven. But imagine if he had decided he did not like the part about suffering and dying for us and decided to leave that part out. Imagine if he had decided to skip going to the cross to take our sins away.

Jesus came to this world and perfectly fulfilled all that he was asked to do. He did not add to or subtract from God’s plan of saving sinners. Because of Jesus, we are forgiven and saved, and through faith in him, we will go to heaven one day. That is what God’s Word teaches, and there is no need for us to add anything else or take anything away.

Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to carry out your plan to save us. Help me trust your Word as is. Amen.

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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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