Doing Good – July 27, 2018

As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:10

Doing Good

Daily Devotion – July 27, 2018

Devotion based on Galatians 6:10

See series: Devotions

During the school week, the little kindergarten student dreaded getting out of bed in the morning. When it was time to get up, she grouched. If her parents turned the light on, she threw the covers over her head. If they tried to lift her out of bed, she became like dead weight. But on Saturday mornings, she was always up bright and early, ready to make the most of her free time.

This is like the miraculous change that Jesus works in us. He saw us grousing about, blind to, and incapable of doing good to others. But in love, he could not leave us that way. So, Jesus did good to all. No one was a nuisance. No time was inconvenient. No price was too high—not even his own life. On the cross, Jesus paid the debt for all our sins—even our failures to do good to others.

Now, the risen Jesus sends his Holy Spirit to work in us through the gospel. He awakens in us the desire to make the most of our freedom—to do good to all people, especially those who follow Jesus in faith.

Can you imagine the impact we would have if we made the most of our freedom in Christ? If we did good to all with the exuberance of a child on Saturday morning? What if we jumped at every opportunity to love one another, honor one another, live in harmony and not judge but accept one another, encourage and serve one another, bear patiently and forgive one another, and spur one another on toward love and good deeds?

It would be much like the early church in Jerusalem where God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. And more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. (See Acts 4:33,34, & 5:14.)

What are we waiting for? Because of the freedom we have in Christ, every day is an opportunity to do good.

Dear Jesus, as you have done good to me, move me to do good to all. Amen.

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