Contentment – October 26, 2019

If we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
1 Timothy 6:8


Daily Devotion – October 26, 2019

Devotion based on 1 Timothy 6:8

See series: Devotions

There’s an old story from India about a man by the name of Ali. Ali had a huge acreage full of orchards and crops. He was deeply satisfied and content with his farm. That all changed, however, when the possibility of owning a diamond mine overpowered him. Ali sold his farm and used the money to explore areas considered to have great potential for diamonds. Eventually, he spent himself into poverty, and in despair, he took his own life.

Years later, the new owner of Ali’s former farm was leading an animal to the farm’s brook for a drink. As he stood there, he saw something shimmering in the water. Diamonds. The man had just discovered what came to be known as the diamond mine of Golcanda, one of the most famous diamond mines in history.

The tentacles of our sinful nature can often get us to think and act like Ali. We don’t know the treasure we already possess. We search elsewhere. But our searching only leads us away from the one place we never should have left.

Thank God that our treasure is not some shiny rock in a stream. Thank God that our treasure is our living and active Savior from sin—someone who pursues us when we stray, brings us to repentance, washes us clean, and takes us home.

Some food, some clothing, and the treasure of Jesus Christ. What else do we need?

Lord Jesus, you are my treasure. You are my life. Forgive my sins of dissatisfaction. Fill me to the brim with contentment. Amen.

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