Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23:42
A Friend of the King
Devotion based on Luke 23:42
See series: Devotions
Which of the two criminals are you? Remember the two criminals on Calvary who were crucified with Jesus? Are you the one who insulted Jesus to his face or the one who pleaded humbly that the King would remember him when he came into his kingdom? To our great shame, we find that we have something in common with both.
It’s true that we don’t necessarily sneer at Jesus in utter contempt as criminal number one did. But we do treat Jesus with a shameful disrespect. Would it not be a great insult to you if someone you loved acted as if they did not know you? And yet how often we do things, think things, say things that make it seem like we’ve never met this man called Jesus?
Since we have something in common with the first criminal, let us also have something in common with the second, the one who prayed: “Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.”
Though the crown of thorns was all that was readily apparent, the eyes of faith saw a very real crown. Mockers saw Jesus’ royalty as the butt of a joke, but the criminal on the cross knew that Christ the King is real and so is his kingdom.
And so he pleaded, “When you ascend to your throne, Jesus, give a thought to me—undeserving though I am. Take me with you and let me be where you are. Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Is there a prayer that more accurately reflects every believer’s most fervent desire? Jesus remember me. His blood is his promise. His resurrection, the guarantee. He will remember all who place their trust in him.
Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom. Amen.
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