A Bad Day – January 13, 2019

Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

A Bad Day

Daily Devotion – January 13, 2019

Devotion based on Lamentations 3:22-23

See series: Devotions

“I just need this day to end!” Ever felt that way? Ever felt that way already by noon? When things are going poorly, that thought can be a very real one. When things seem to go from bad to worse as the day progresses, a desire for it to end might well be our sentiment. There is something about a new day, a fresh start that seems to put things in perspective and gives renewed energy.

The Old Testament writer of these words from a book called Lamentations was having more than a bad day. He had experienced a whole bunch of them. Enemies of the nation had entered it ruthlessly. They deported most of the people. Cities lay in ruins. The temple of God in Jerusalem had been destroyed. The annihilated nation was the laughingstock of her neighbors. A once proud and mighty country had been reduced to rubble. And the worst part? It was their own fault! Because the people of Judah had turned away from the Word and the will of the Lord, he had caused this to happen. He had done it that they might wake up and turn from their current path of spiritual destruction.

But then right in the middle of this book of mourning come words of comfort and hope. Words of refreshment and renewal to the broken down and despondent: The Lord hasn’t abandoned us! The Lord is full of love and compassion toward us! No matter how faithless we’ve been, the Lord remains faithful! As a new day and a fresh start are the grace and mercy of God, the unfailing promises of God, centered in the rising Sun of a Savior from sin, gave hope to Jeremiah (author of this short book) and any of his countrymen who would give ear and heart to this beautiful message.

There are many things that contribute to bad days. Too often at least some of them are our own fault. A harsh word to a family member causes a rift. A rude email to a co-worker makes a project bog down. A bit of laziness or procrastination puts us behind schedule. A night of partying leads to a day of misery. The list might go on. As we come to a realization that we are often to blame for our own difficulties, let’s remember these words of comfort and hope from Lamentations. The One promised to them has come to us as the baby born in Bethlehem. The One they awaited to deal with their sin is the Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself as a sacrifice for sin on Calvary’s cross. In his forgiveness each day is a new and fresh one. And if we happen to be dealing with something that’s not particularly our fault, remember the One who has risen from the dead and stands to fuel your spirit with his compassionate love and faithful companionship. With the Lord and his promises, every day is a new one!

Lord, although we don’t deserve it, you shower us with your love and mercy each day and each hour of the day. Help us to look to you and to lean on you and your compassionate faithfulness in Jesus at all times. In his name we pray. Amen.

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